The Kookaberry Reference Guide
This document provides a guide to the Kookaberry microcomputer, including its hardware, its software, its software tools, and their usage.
This guide is for Kookaberry firmware v1.10.0.
- The Kookaberry
- Safety Guide
- Using the Kookaberry
- Kookaberry Firmware on a Raspberry Pi Pico
- Kookaberry Software
- Helper Modules
- The MicroPython Interactive Interpreter Mode (aka REPL)
- Peripherals Module Library
— Atmospheric multi-sensorCCS811
— Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Sensordht
— Atmospheric temperature and humidity sensords18x20
— Digital temperature sensords3231
— Battery-powered Real Time Clockina219
— Digital wattmeterlsm303
— control of LSM303C/AGR accelerometer/magnetometermcp23008
— I2C input/output expandermlx90614
— Infra-red digital temperature sensorneopixel
— RGB colour LED arraynrf5
— interface to the NRF51/NRF52 coprocessoronewire
— interface to a 1-wire serial busveml7700
— Digital Lux Meter
- MicroPython .mpy files
- Glossary of Terms
- Index
This guide is not so much an original work, but a compilation of relevant documentation produced over the many years of the Kookaberry’s development, and the foundation of the development and documentation of MicroPython.
Particular acknowledgement is given to:
Damien George and his collaborators in developing MicroPython and the Kookaberry’s firmware
Julian Dinsdale and his collaborators in envisaging, designing and developing the Kookaberry’s electronics
The Directors of the AustSTEM Foundation for their review of this guide
The users of the Kookaberry thus far from whom many valuable improvement lessons have been learned
- Copyright:
Kookaberry and Kooka are trademarks of Kookaberry Pty Ltd, Australia.
The Kookaberry Firmware release v1.10.0 and KookaSuite were created by Damien George (George Electronics Pty Ltd – MicroPython) in collaboration with Kookaberry Pty Ltd and the AustSTEM Foundation Ltd.